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Bad Breath is a Bad Sign for Pets

Bad Breath is a Bad Sign for Pets
September 6, 2021

If you’ve ever paid attention to what your pet puts in their mouth then there’s no wonder they may have “dog breath.” (Cats are especially sensitive to this insult!) But did you know that despite what they may have eaten, persistent bad breath isn’t normal?

The most common causes of bad breath are poor oral hygiene and periodontal disease. Just like in humans, the build-up of plaque and tartar can lead to the development of bacteria that causes bad breath. If your pet does not regularly have their teeth brushed and professionally cleaned, then the most likely cause of this bad breath is plaque build-up. This not only causes inflammation of the gums, but it can also lead to cavities, infection, tissue destruction, tooth loss, and even the formation of pus.

Rather than being a localized problem, advanced periodontal disease can eventually affect the heart, liver, and kidneys and lead to organ failure. It’s rare that pet owners ever notice the beginning signs of gum disease in their pets, and when it becomes apparent, it is already advanced. By then, your pet may be living with chronic pain, which, by instinct, animals are very good at hiding to avoid showing weakness.

That’s why regular oral exams and cleanings are so important. Oral exams with dental x-rays done under general anesthesia are the only way to get a full picture of what’s happening in your pet’s mouth, including below the gumline. In honor of February’s National Pet Dental Health Month, we are offering $25-50 off your pet’s dental cleaning, depending on the level of care needed. Call us to book your pet’s appointment today!

Northeast Animal Hospital